Thursday, July 7, 2011

Being alone but never lonely.

Recently I heard someone say,"What type of person would you become if you were alone not seeking a relationship and truly happy with yourself? What things would change? How would you relate to others without a partner? How would you see yourself standing alone in the world? What type of people will be attracted to you? Where would you focus your mind? To be someone who isn't looking for a partner or feeling the need to have one." I've heard from another friend who sums it up like this, "Until you can let go to feeling great about being yourself and identifying yourself without a partner will you be able to be the best partner for someone else." Without this alone love for yourself can you gain maximum love for another.
If there isn't a soft place to land or a partner to help shoulder the burden and you pull threw on your own then you'll be more confident. This will make you better equipped when in a relationship. A fuller sense of self will emerge. A real knowing of who you are without the little touches brought in by a partner. You gain a clearer image of what they want in life. Without the idea of a partnership you can see yourself asking the universe for what you want and be selfish about it. This catalyst will make you the best you are capable of being.
A self assured confident clearly directed person full of self worth and self love.
This sounds pretty good.

I came across a fantastic article written by Bella DePaulo. She wanted to answer the question are single people less happy than people in relationships? Her finding was single people are happy and it's the norm not the exception. Check out her article "Single and Happy".

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