Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Purpose of Life.

If you have ever been through a divorce then you know how you look for some bit of peace on a daily basis and will look in many different areas to find it. My search for peace lead me to meditation. I'm not a religious person, in fact I'm an atheist. I do believe in spirit and connective energy. Whenever someone speaks and uses the word God I think of the universe and the energy that binds everything together. That is my God.

Sunne, who is a person with amazing God energy lead my meditation group and gave me these words. " The only purpose in Life is to expand in Love. Loving people does not mean you have to enjoy their company or respect their values. It means you are willing to keep your heart open to them, show them compassion and except them for who they are." This meant I no longer needed to be around people I didn't like but I could still Love them . People who's values didn't align with mine didn't matter. I just have to open my heart to them. This is a relief and makes sending out the Love much easier. She went on to say, " It means Loving God in all of his or her disguises, because if you withdraw your Love everyone loses."

Being connected to the Love makes life much more joyous for me because people can see it radiating and send the Love back to me. Sunne eneded with this, " When Love for no reason flows out into the world through you, you become a blessing to yourself and everyone else." I like that I don't have to tie love to any particular situation or person. I can Love for no reason, unconditional love.

After this I started seeing all the people who have come into my life--the police, the District Attorney, the prison guards, the lawyers, my ex, my ex's friends--all the people who have been a part of the recent stresses in my life and all I could see was God looking back at me. My mind then started flowing and I was seeing faces of all the people who have touched my life over the last 40 years--my neighbors growing up, kindergarden teachers, family, co-workers, girlfriends, enemies, people from the church, and on and on in no particular order and I was in awe of how beautiful everyone was. How amazing God is.

My heart became so full and I felt this burst of Love for God. I couldn't be angry, I couldn't be sad. Astonished, I couldn't hold the Love inside. It burst out of my heart and I forgot where my body was. I forgot that I was in a room full of other people. I wasn't aware of my surroundings. Love was covering me like a cape. I was expanded in Love.


  1. Wow. Roger I remember having some long late night talks about this and many other topics many many years ago. Hope all is well!
