Sunday, August 7, 2011


To me, organic dating means that the date won’t be manufactured by cultural correctness brought to you by local sponsors of “date night”. In organic dating, one doesn't really ask someone else out "on a date", but rather, the date arises organically, framed in a question such as, "are you going to the show later? I'll see you there." The advantage of this is that there are then no expectations. Buying a drink or paying for tacos at the end of the night is a nice gesture but since it is not expected, this act of kindness is organic as opposed to the subscribed norm of a traditional date. There are plenty of advantages to organic dating:

1. Arrival Time. If at the last minute you don't make the rendezvous, you don't have to worry about being a shmuck. You’re in no hurry to get to the agreed upon meeting spot because you know if you arrive an hour late your date won't mind. If one of your friends w benefits calls at the last minute you can take the call—and the opportunity. Organic dating means flexibility. Your organic date may call you later and say they missed you but no one will ever get hurt on an organic date.
2. Walking off the date. If at anytime during the organic date you get board, you can easily split. Walk out of the party or just strike up a conversation with someone else. If you do leave, just make sure all is good for a possible future organic date—send a text and let your date know you had to leave but tell them it was good seeing them. Don't worry about your date, they may be disappointed but should remain cool throughout the date anyway since it was never an official “you and me” situation. Who knows, after a few drinks you might even decide that it’s back on.

3. Entertaining. It's not in any way your responsibility to make sure your organic date is having a good time. I'm not saying don't introduce your date to friends or start up an engaging conversation and by all means have a dance with your date, but the advantage here is that there’s no pressure to show your date a good time. Good times happen organically.

4. Picking up the tab. Who's buying the drinks tonight? Who's paying for pizza? My recommendation is that you invite your date for dinner and a drink. This is a thoughtful gesture that will go a long way, but it's not required and if you’re strapped for cash your date will not be offended if you offer to split the check. No expectations.

5. Hooking up (The million-dollar question). All right if, towards the end the night, the date is going well and both of you feel hot for one another, hooking up is even easier. You can hook up with your organic date without any expectations that the hook-up means you’re dating one another. It's all organic.

I tried doing a little research on my Organic Dating Theory and a few people have told me that I may be the only one who believes the organic date even exists. I'm told what I call “Organic Dating” is really just friends getting together and having some fun. I was a little disappointed by this news since it means that I haven’t really been on any dates—I’ve just been hanging out with friends. Here I thought all of these dates were so successful. As it turns out, in everyone else’s mind I haven't been on a single real date. My reality wasn't matching up with everyone else’s. However, when Google returned my search results for the term "organic dating”, I was vindicated. I found an entire site dedicated to organic dating. Then again, if someone created a how-to dating site about organic dating, how can it indeed be 100% organic? Turns out it's not about MY version about organic dating—it's an eco-dating site. You can find a traditional date with an organic person. Eco Dater's logo says, "Love naturally". But to me, the dating is the only unnatural thing.

*Disclaimer: I’ve concluded through my theory based on research that it's not that organic dating doesn't exist, it's the act of talking about it that makes it contrived, thus leaving us without the option of organic dating. For the sake of saving organic dating, I can no longer speak of all the wonderful organic dates I've been on. I'll remain silent to protect the organic dating social.

Wikipedia has this to say about Modern Dating,"After the sexual revolution of the 1960s and 1970s, the"old-fashioned" form of dating waned in popularity. Couples became more likely to "hook up" or "hang out" with large groups than to go on an old-fashioned date, and frequently went from "hanging out" to an exclusive relationship without engaging in what their parents or grandparents might have called dating."